Mirna Funk
works as a novelist, journalist and screenwriter.


Born in Berlin in 1981, Mirna Funk majored in Philosophy and History at Humboldt University. She composes articles and essays for various publications, has authored two novels, one non-fiction book, and recently completed her first screenplay.

Vogue, Interview

Zeit für reale Utopien


Dan Pearlman, Screenplay


Die Zeit, Essay

Verlust der politischen Heimat

Berliner Ensemble, Curation

Connecting the Dots

Gedenktag zur Befreiung von Auschwitz

2021 Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland, Podcast

Daniel Donskoy & Mirna Funk

Der Spiegel, Portrait

Wie ein Phoenix aus Hartz IV

Myself, Article

Beruf: Sex

Im Gespräch mit drei Expertinnen

Fischer Verlage, Novel


NZZ, Interview

“In Deutschland herrscht Opferdenken”


Vice, Interview

Kippa – kulturelle Aneignung?

Bayrischer Rundfunk, Radio Play

Auf einem einzigen Blatt Papier

Vogue, Column

Der verbotene Apfel

Zeit Online, January 2017

Leichenberg, bäm!

nushu, Podcast

Wie überwindet man Angst?

Mini Magazin, Essay

Drei Roadtrips

Emotion, Interview

Sex und Verantwortung

Emotion, Essay

Kind wir reden jetzt über Geld

Cosmopolitan, Interview

Die besten Business-Tips

Süddeutsche Zeitung, Essay

Mit Erinnerung hat das nichts zu tun


Born in Berlin in 1981, Mirna Funk majored in Philosophy and History at Humboldt University. She is presently studying for her Master’s, and holds a scholarship from the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES), the scholarship foundation for gifted Jewish students and doctoral candidates.

Funk composes articles and essays for various publications, has authored two novels, one non-fiction book, and recently completed her first screenplay. Her work frequently centers the presence of Jewish culture, and looks at how cultures of remembrance are being reshaped in the present. With a perspective on Jewish life that is contemporary and personal, she educates through talks, panels, curation, workshops and articles.

Her debut novel “Winternähe” was published in 2015 by S. Fischer Verlage. It was awarded the Uwe Johnson Prize for emerging writers, nominated for the Aspekte Literature Prize, and has been translated into Dutch. “Winternähe” details the experiences of Lola, a GDR-born Jewish woman dealing with personal and family history amidst societal anti-Semitism. Her second novel titled “Zwischen Du und Ich” explores violence and the transgenerational transmission of trauma. 

Funk is a current contributor to Emotion, Myself, Cosmopolitan, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, Jüdische Allgemeine, and Monopol, and is also hosting a podcast about Jewish life in Germany for the association 1700 Jahre

Deutschlandradio Kultur